Sunday, February 5, 2017

Sweat Marks not Stretch Marks

Stretch marks are often a topic of discussion during my antenatal courses and at baby group. I honestly have never weighed in much to the discussion, as skin care is really not one of my skill sets. I often have specialists in my group that are far better qualified to take the floor. During a CPD function, I was listening to presentation by one of the skin care specialist companies and I heard a fact that piqued my interest. Exercise can prevent stretch marks. Now pregnancy and post natal exercise I am quite passionate about, so I revved up the search engine and was reminded as ever that you can never stop learning, even about what you do on a daily basis.

So what are stretch marks anyway? When the body expands faster than the covering skin, the skin tears, forming a scar as it heals. These scars are visible on the surface of the skin as stretch marks.
The likelihood of developing stretch marks varies according to skin type, race, age, diet and hydration of the skin. Those most prone to stretch marks include pregnant women, body builders, adolescents undergoing sudden growth spurts and individuals who experience rapid weight gain.(1).
If you have them, you’re in good company. About 90% of women will get them sometime after their sixth or seventh month of pregnancy, according to the American Academy of Dermatology.
If your mother had stretch marks, then you're more likely to have them too, since genetics plays a role. (2).

Majority of the prevention and treatments involved Retin-A creams and lotions, laser and other things that medical aids definitely wouldn't cover. There are also the Tiger Stripes empowerment that I have always prescribed to that says just embrace them, you have earned them. But lets explore this exercise thing. So firstly, can you exercise during pregnancy and how much? The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend that pregnant women get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity every week. An aerobic activity is one in which you move large muscles of the body (like those in the legs and arms) in a rhythmic way. Moderate intensity means you are moving enough to raise your heart rate and start sweating. You still can talk normally, but you cannot sing. (3). The moms in my class know that I encourage them to belt out a tune because helps us breath correctly during the higher intensity cardio times.

Apparently, no exercise can remove or reduce stretch marks, but regular, moderate exercise may help prevent stretch marks from developing. Regular exercise can reduce the unnecessary weight gain that often results in stretch marks. Exercise also improves circulation, which could help the skin remain elastic and allow it to stretch without tearing. (4). Stretch marks may appear anywhere on the body that experiences rapid tissue growth, and are mostly commonly found on the abdomen, hips, thighs, breasts and buttocks. I took a look at the types of exercise that we do during Preggi Bellies classes that I instruct.
Aerobic exercise promotes better circulation so more nutrients reach your skin's surface. I include at least 30 minutes of aerobic exercise per class so that is a thumbs up for the skin.
Sit-ups and crunches are helpful at preventing stretch marks on your abdomen. We do modified abdominal exercises that are safe in pregnancy and a lot of the focus is on core strengthening.

The moaning that occurs but push-ups help prevent the appearance of stretch marks around your breasts. Whoop whoop, now there is no excuse. And the ever present Squats, squats increase muscle tone in your hips, thighs and buttocks. (5).
Despite there being no double blind randomized controlled trial proving that exercise can prevent stretch marks in pregnancy, ACOG advises us on the health benefits of exercise in pregnancy, so hopefully we are preventing those stretch marks at the same time.

Sr Samantha Crompton RN RM SACLC
The Baby Lady

2. The truth about pregnancy stretchmarks. Elizabeth Krieger. 5/2/2017.
3. Exercise during pregnancy. The American College of Obstetrics and Gynecologist. May 2016. 5/2/2017. 
4. Which exercises remove stretchmarks. 5/2/2017.
5. Exercises to Get Rid of Stretch Marks by Myrna st Roman.